
Monday, December 04, 2006

What do you say???

Okay so you know when you were younger, remember back, i know its a long way, but just try. Alright everyone there? most of you would have some one in your life that said..."say please" or possibly even..."what do you say?" before they would give you anything. for example....

Can i have a biscuit??? "say please"
can i go out side??? "what do you say?"
Can i go to the toilet? "say please"

Seriously remember it? It was annoying, but helpful, because guess what? I say please all the time (well maybe not all the time, but most times). So i guess it was worth all those torment. But you know what really gets up my nose? When people don't say it? Even if they don't mean it i would still rather they say it! what has brought on this fit of rage???? Well i work in retail, so i spend my day doing things for other people, give them stuff, but thats ok because thats what i am paid to do. But here is the thing, i am not paid to be nice, or go the extra mile, i am not paid to be polite and offer people discounts or other little bonus just because its the kind thing to do, and you know what i am not even paid to offer people a humble bag. But I do, and all i ask in return is when i say "would you like a bag for that" and smile, they will say "yes please" not just yes. `

Is that too much to ask?

I don't think so, all I want is a little common courtesy

Just a thought I had...

Stay tuned.


  1. A little common courtesy is definitely not too much to ask. In our house it is always 'yes please' and 'no thanks', never 'yes thanks'. It has got to the stage that if mum asks us if we want dessert and she doesn't quite catch the start of what we say she knows that 'ease' means yes and 'anks' means no.

  2. I can't believe you changed to beta blogger.

  3. Yeah, I seem to say please alot too. Maybe its the Agnew in us. And yes, all people should be polite and say please and thank you, especially when asking for something or buying something. I think you shouldn't give those special discounts unless they are polite to you.

  4. hey, i am on beta now. i switched. anyway, i get home on dec 28 - make sure you are ready to hang out!!! i'll be around till the 17th.
    love ya

  5. Anonymous12:29 AM

    I guess I did something right in making you say please when you were little. Imagine if you weren't taught to do that, you would be as bad as those who don't say it.
