So once again I have left you all hanging for weeks, wondering what has happened to me, whether I am alive of dead or if I will ever write again, but its okay you can all relax because I am here now and ready to go...
I don't know exactly why I love motor sport as much, all I know is that I do...but one of the things I do love about it, is that while the drivers may be
amazing on the road, and celebrities around the track, in reality, not that many people know who they are or what they do, so, for most of them it hasn't gone to their heads and they love to meet and greet the fans... I guess they are obtainable, not like the movie stars or even TV presenters, the drivers love the attention and bask in it, and are happy to sign things and have photos and all that kind of stuff (either that or they are all really good at putting it on, which I chose not to believe). They almost seem normal...
Ok maybe I need to explain a little better... Saturday mor
ning, once we had arrived to the track we headed to the team vodafone tent to see what was happening, only to find out that we had just missed the cut off point in the line to get things signed by Jamie Whincup and Craig Lowndes (hence just missing out on no. 43), after my 13 year old girl melt down when Craig ran past (a much better version of that story on Dave's blog), I took photos of my favourite drivers while they held kids and signed all kinds of things all with a smile and a laugh. Thinking this was as close I as I would get to the drivers I was quite satisfied with day, but little did I know that as Dave and I drove out to sandown again Sunday Morning, who should we pull up next to in our car, but Garth Tander (driver for Toll HSV) and then on Thursday as I drove to uni, who should I pull up next to but the car of Jason Bright (team Fujitsu) and it just reminded me that these were not just V8 drivers but normal people, who do normal things.
I guess its the humility in that, that I am attracted to...I don't know, but bring on Bathurst!
Ephesians 4:2 "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."