1. Exercise regularly…
Well to put it bluntly no…there were times that I tried, but nothing lasted, no excuses, just laziness
2. Keep up to date with things I have due at uni
Done…nothing was handed in late, and everything passed Woo Hoo
2. Keep up to date with things I have due at uni
Done…nothing was handed in late, and everything passed Woo Hoo
3. Keep up to date with things I have due at ChurchThis one was not so good…the poor pursuit mag died and I missed my grade 6 transition day coz I was in china…opps, sorry grade six kids.
4. Be on time (well at least more often then I am late)
4. Be on time (well at least more often then I am late)
Well I think that I did quite well at this there was only one lecture that I was never on time to, but most other things I was defiantly more on time than I was late, so I think it can be crossed off.
5. Control the amount of chocolate that I eat
5. Control the amount of chocolate that I eat
I am pretty sure I failed this…I am a chocaholic…can anyone help?
6. Learn Guitar
6. Learn Guitar
Well I started…I didn’t get far, but I started and that’s good enough for me.

9. Sleep in the backyard
I don’t really have a reason for not doing this other than I forgot.
10. Stop pushing the snooze button, and just get up, surely its not that hard
10. Stop pushing the snooze button, and just get up, surely its not that hard
As if it was ever going to happen…this one remains undone
11. Stay with Mick and Helen in Bright
11. Stay with Mick and Helen in Bright
Not this year…Dave did, but not me…Curse you overseas holidays and fun things filling my holiday time!
12. Meet the rest of Dave’s rellies from the big NZ
12. Meet the rest of Dave’s rellies from the big NZ
ahh…not this year…China and Queensland were enough for me, maybe 08?
13. Not let Dave get sick
13. Not let Dave get sick
Well he had his tonsils out in January, but that wasn’t my fault and other than that he remained relatively healthy
14. Have my car valet parked
14. Have my car valet parked
Still waiting for some one to valet my car
15. Clean out my wardrobe and actually throw stuff out
15. Clean out my wardrobe and actually throw stuff out
I did it and the Salvos now have it…woo hoo, oh and now my room has also been cleaned out and thanks to Dave as well coz it looks amazing.
16. Don’t owe anyone money
16. Don’t owe anyone money
Done, done, done and done…
1. Just a visit.
2. Her 100th birthday party.
3. Her 100th birthday day.
4. Unfortunately in hospital

18. Say no to a job I don’t have time to do, even if I want to do the job
4. Unfortunately in hospital

18. Say no to a job I don’t have time to do, even if I want to do the job
Well this year as much as it hurt I had to let my cell girls go so that they could have someone that could give all the time they needed not just dribs and drabs
19. Allow Dave not to be my slave
19. Allow Dave not to be my slave
Well I don’t know about this one, I think I am, but I guess its up to you guys…if you don’t think I am…speak now or forever hold your peace (just on the side…is that peace correct or is it speak now and forever hold your piece of information or is it both and should it be piace)!
22. Try real sushi, you know raw fish and all
22. Try real sushi, you know raw fish and all
23. Order something other than pasta, stir-fry or pizza from a restaurant
Well seeing as I have had had Indian and Japanese this one gets crossed over but I have also had lots of other different dishes, including burgers, steaks and prawns
24. Shell a prawn
24. Shell a prawn
Once again done in China…but this one was at a friend of Dad’s house where it was sprung on me, in order to make a good first impression I chose to struggle away at shelling my own prawns rather than getting Dad to do them for me and looking like a bit of a fool
25. Go on holidays with my mum
25. Go on holidays with my mum
Well we didn’t travel together, but we were both overseas at the same time and because Dad worked during the Day we got to hang out together a lot so it was a holiday together. 

26. Get a CD stacker
It can’t be done, I tried but it can’t be done. Instead I got karen…my GPS
28. Be less judgemental
I am a girl…this one could take time.
29. Save some money
29. Save some money
Well considering I still owe money, its pretty hard to save while in debt, so unfortunately this one remains undone
30. Lose a bit of weight
30. Lose a bit of weight
Lets just say with the lack of exercise and the addiction to chocolate I am in big trouble
31. Wear something other than jeans for a whole week
31. Wear something other than jeans for a whole week
I don’t think I did this, I can’t really remember though…I am pretty sure I didn’t I just can’t seem to get by without my jeans.
32. Drive to one of Dave’s gigs in the city
32. Drive to one of Dave’s gigs in the city
With the help of Karen I made it all the way to the Rising sun hotel in South Melbourne to hear Dave play.
33. Pull off a parallel park
33. Pull off a parallel park

34. Blog at least once a week
Well it may not have been a new blog every week but for the whole year there were 122 in total for the whole year which makes and average of 2.35 a week.
35. Learn how to rip gaffa tape with my bare hands
35. Learn how to rip gaffa tape with my bare hands

36. Go to a concert of someone famous 

64. Ride a skateboard

38. Go on a boat
Well on my trip to Queensland earlier in the year I went on a few boats, one to the Great Barrier Reef and one to Hamilton Island and Chance bay 
39. Go to Luna Park

39. Go to Luna Park
I only went for a little while, but I went, turns out its not as good as I remembered and there is a real chance you could die on the rides, they are looking very average. 
40. Go Fishing
I went to two and they was awesome… Sandown and a win for team Vodafone and then Philip Island for the grand final… I am a rev head and I love it!

42. See the penguins at Philip island
42. See the penguins at Philip island
Not done… and it’s a shame, I do love the penguins
43. Meet Craig Lowndes
43. Meet Craig Lowndes
Well I didn’t meet Craig or Jamie, but I did meet Jason Bright, Mark Winterbottom, and John Bowe and that’s enough for one year.
44. Watch the Sunrise
44. Watch the Sunrise
If watching out the back of the car on the way to the V8s counts…its done
45. Die my hair a weird colour not all of it, but at least some
Not done…I am gutless
46. Drink a bottle of water everyday
46. Drink a bottle of water everyday
This went great guns and then I missed one day and it was all over red rover… what a shame
47. Cook a 3 course meal for my family
47. Cook a 3 course meal for my family
Not yet…one day
48. Organise my photos properly
48. Organise my photos properly
Well they are all in folders and ready to go…but not organised and the ones I wanted to put in albums are all still on the computer
49. Play dark zone
49. Play dark zone
Well it wasn’t called Dark Zone but it’s the same thing and it was actually more fun than I thought it would be.
50. Have a fully non cola/red slurpee

50. Have a fully non cola/red slurpee

51. Play a board game with Dave (and others to, but just getting Dave to play a board game is the tough bit)
52. Not crash a car
Done… 1 year lots of driving… 0 crashes… Woo Hoo
53. Ride an exercise bike (more than once)
53. Ride an exercise bike (more than once)
Done I think only twice but its done
54. Ride a real bike (more than once)
54. Ride a real bike (more than once)
I am a karaoke convert…I love it seriously and my only taste of it was Chinese karaoke imagine how much I would love Australian karaoke. 
56. Try sarsaparilla
56. Try sarsaparilla
Done and its disgusting! 

57. Read 5 books from dad’s library
Echo Park by Michael Connelly
Angles Flight by Michael Connelly
City of Bones by Michael Connelly
Killing Floor by Lee Child
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
58. Learn to drive a manual
Echo Park by Michael Connelly
Angles Flight by Michael Connelly
City of Bones by Michael Connelly
Killing Floor by Lee Child
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
58. Learn to drive a manual
Well it’s a bit like the gitaur I have started but I am not quite there… I can do the gears and clutch just not together!
59. Try a radio controlled car
59. Try a radio controlled car
Thanks to Jess who gave Dusty one for his birthday, this is also done.
60. Go in one of those trampolines with the big nets all the way round
60. Go in one of those trampolines with the big nets all the way round
I still want to, but I have to find a friend with one.
61. Enter a radio competition
61. Enter a radio competition
Also done and its disguisting
63. Go to the tip
I didn’t go in but I did drive through so I have been 
63. Go to the tip

64. Ride a skateboard
Any one got a skateboard?
65. Write a kids book
65. Write a kids book
Done…its about a fly who just wants a friend and its great even if I say so myself…perhaps I can put it on my blog…or perhaps you will just have to wait till its released to the stores
66. Have a rainbow paddle pop
66. Have a rainbow paddle pop
Done and it was just as good as I remembered
67. Get some tadpoles
67. Get some tadpoles
I wish
68. Have a dancing lesson
68. Have a dancing lesson
It was a professional Dancing lesson, but I did get taught a dance…for RAWards
69. Score 10 points in a season of basketball
69. Score 10 points in a season of basketball
I wish I could score 2points in a season let alone 10
70. Use my Jurlique voucher
70. Use my Jurlique voucher
Thank you Jurligue voucher for my lovely facial and massage even if it was in the middle of a shopping center! 
71. learn 10 songs on guitar
71. learn 10 songs on guitar
They are basic and pretty crap…but they are songs and I play them on guitar!
72. Go to the museum
Well it wasn’t Melbourne Museum, but it was a museum…it was the Palace museum in China better known as the Forbidden City!
73. Go to the snow

73. Go to the snow
Thanks Lish, Adam and Kitty for a lovely snow trip to Lake mountain…but I think that I am too old to toboggan! 
74. Be a parking attendant

74. Be a parking attendant
I missed my chance at ACC…maybe this year
75. Beat Brad Dupuy at BUZZ (on PS2)
75. Beat Brad Dupuy at BUZZ (on PS2)
Done and now I have Buzz of my own so I guess I might be able to do it again!
76. Try a strange food that I haven’t even heard of yet
76. Try a strange food that I haven’t even heard of yet
Dragon Fruit and its great… a pink fruit with a white flesh with black seeds…tastes like a cantaloupe and kiwi fruit baby
77. Try to understand what “negative gearing” means for tax purposes
77. Try to understand what “negative gearing” means for tax purposes
Negative gearing is when your business costs more than what it earns but you get money back in tax.
78. Build something from IKEA (something relatively elaborate)
78. Build something from IKEA (something relatively elaborate)
Well it wasn’t that elaborate but I did build a few things including boxes, files and a lamp.
79. Try some Durian fruit (the one with the odour…)
79. Try some Durian fruit (the one with the odour…)
Not yet…
80. Work out how to check my water and oil and top up my washer bottle
Can do…
81. Work out how to change a tyre
81. Work out how to change a tyre
Not yet…but it is probably hindered by the fact that the bolts on my tires are done by machine and not even Dave can move them.
82. Bake some meringues (that actually taste good)
82. Bake some meringues (that actually taste good)
I would like to say I had at least tried but that would be a lie
83. Go to 24 hour K-mart between the hours of 1-3am
83. Go to 24 hour K-mart between the hours of 1-3am
Thanks to Pheebs and Kirsten I went to K-mart at 1:00am to print some photos and it was actually really busy…how weird and it was early in the year it wasn’t even like there was a big event coming up 
84. Get some boots that fit my mighty calves

84. Get some boots that fit my mighty calves
85. Drive in a convertible with the roof down
I had a few opportunities but none actually happened
86. Write a letter to a friend I haven’t seen in years
86. Write a letter to a friend I haven’t seen in years
Thanks the to the brilliance of Facebook I was able to chat with people that I haven’t seen or spoke to since primary school.
87. Bake a cake and take it to work
87. Bake a cake and take it to work
Just like the meringues…I would like to say I tried but that would be lying
88. Wear high-heels, well even just girlier shoes more often
88. Wear high-heels, well even just girlier shoes more often
I think I have done this so I am going to cross it off but you better check with Dave
89. Try beef-jerkie
89. Try beef-jerkie
I had some and I let it go to waste…Jake brought me some to try but it went passed its used by date and I wasn’t that game!
90. Go without TV for a week
90. Go without TV for a week
92. Read/listen to my bible everyday
This went great guns just like the water and then I missed one day, coincidently the same day as the water and it was all over red rover… what a shame
93. Watch a sunset on the beach
93. Watch a sunset on the beach
Dave and I tried and just caught the end of it after racing into St Kilda to see it
94. Stand out in the rain
94. Stand out in the rain
96. Jump off a pier
Its dangerous you know
97. Not Shave my legs (just emjoi...you thought i was going bush, lol)
Well seeing as my emjoi died I couldn’t keep it up…but I did try
98. Go on a horse and cart ride
99. Visit all the "Emma" streets listed in the melways (part 1, part 2, part 3)
Its dangerous you know
97. Not Shave my legs (just emjoi...you thought i was going bush, lol)
Well seeing as my emjoi died I couldn’t keep it up…but I did try
98. Go on a horse and cart ride
99. Visit all the "Emma" streets listed in the melways (part 1, part 2, part 3)
and here are the latest additions...

100. Win an award
So there you go that’s what I did in 2007…a total of 62! So heres the question though…there are 38 left…do I just keep going and finish the list even though 2007 is over or do I start a new list for 08? Let me know…vote on my poll!
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