Today the 21st of July is Australia's National Lamington Day!
Why are Lamingtons so important? Because apparently (well according to the add) they are our only icon that is truly Australian.
What about the pavlova??? Invented by a Kiwi
What about the bbq??? Apparently its a universal thing long before Australia was even a country?
Beer??? Well I hear that the Germans do it better
So in order to celebrate Lamington Day, Toptaste, are donating money from every bag of lamingtons the sell today to Variety the children's charity, so get out there and buy some Lamingtons...

Seriously you know you want to, and if you need an excuse, I have given you two, its unaustralian not to and its for charity. But if you don't want to eat the lamingtons I guess you could always just read the good old Aussie book "possum Magic" which contains lamgintons.
Enjoy the Lamingtons
Stay tuned...
Em, do you even like lamingtons? I have never known you to even eat one.
yes, I do like lamington's, but I seem to be the only person in our house that does, so I rarely get to experience their joy
lamingtons are only good if they have the jam, a laminton isn't australian without jam
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