If everyone in the WHOLE world, not just Victoria or even Australia, but the WHOLE WORLD just stopped eatting chickens, do you think that there would be enough chickens to take over the world? Seriously think about how much chicken the world must consume everyday and if all of a sudden they just stopped killing them? So many chickens would be out of a job, imagine the uproar, their union would be going nuts, there would protest and attack us...I can see it all happening, but why stop there...

What if the whole world stopped eating eggs as well, seriously sooooooo many chickens!!! I know that I will be eatting chicken from a long time so that they don't attack me!
Anyway...as I shared this with my friend Ryan from work, he told me about this song that he had heard and I found it quite amusing its called "cows with guns" that link goes to the lyrics, so enjoy.
And eat chicken
Just a thought I had...
Stay tunned.
Just on the topic of chickens, I just found out that all chicken eggs don't contain chickens unless a rooster is involved.
your a wierd young lady, but i love you still
i thought that this was your funniest blog yet but if others don't want to comment on it then, thats fine its there loss.
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