The average 6 year old laughs 300 times a day, yet the
average adult only laughs between 15-100 times
That’s pretty crazy ey?
Do you think we lose the ability to laugh? Do we just start taking things more seriously? Maybe too seriously? Is Life just not funny after the age of seven?
When I read this little fact, I was really quite surprised. And it makes me kinda sad. Why? I hear you ask...well I don't think we are supposed to laugh less. I was thinking about why little kids laugh more, and this is what I came up with... They really have nothing to worry about, their parents take care of everything, they rarely want for anything, and they haven't learnt about all the bad stuff in the world yet.
But heres the deal, I think that we can laugh and enjoy life just as much as these little kiddly winks, why? Well, when Jesus came to earth He came to save the world, so that we could have life and life to the full, and he told us not to worry, but to give it all to Him, because he was in control. Doesn't that sound a little familiar? We too have a parent, a heavenly father to look after things for us, so that we don't have to worry and we can live life to the full, because God will take care of the rest.
Now I know this doesn't mean that things will always be amazing and life will be easy, but I defiantly don't think life is supposed to be one big stress, so there is no joy.
Maybe we do take things to seriously and don't give enough control to God, because really if we trusted God to look after our lives don't you think it would be less stressful.
Maybe that’s what I need to do, give it all over and not just little bits, Because I don't know about you but I think I need to laugh and enjoy my life more, coz sometimes I am a lot closer to the 15 times/day then 100, and I would rather be like the 6 year old, spending most of my day enjoying life and laughing the night away.
So inorder to increase your laughter for the day i thought I would put in some funny pictures that I found... Dave this first one is for you...

Sorry there were lots more, but I couldn't get them to load, sorry
Just a thought I had...
Stay tuned.
Thanks em, i liked your blog, i thdink blogs are ding and i don't hink anyone is reading them now, it sad because i think your a very funny person and i would have liked to see what you would say next, even the monkey in the picture looks to serious, what has the world come to, is there no fun left in the world, do we have to have run around and almost break things (FNL) to have fun anymore, sad, very sad. I think your funny and you make me laugh.
that said dying not ding.
If anyone reads blogs anymore let me know, because i would be interested to see how many people are still reading
i read blogs
Thanks brad, I was begining to feel I had been abandoned
i love your blog em. i read it. it make me laugh.
whoops i left the anonymously sorry if u r like beth and don't like it when people do that. brad reckons i laugh more than 300 times a day
love ya
I read blogs too Em! And face it Georgie, you read blogs too!
I still read your blogs Em.
well it isn't dead i am quite suprised, good on you all for supporting a true Aussie past time
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