So today as you may have already guessed I have another question, and here it is...
Why is it when you go to use a door you always go the wrong way? Now I am not talking about walking in the wrong direction...

I am talking about when you use a door, why is it that you always push the pull doors and pull the push doors??? Now I think that this is a common problem in the world, one from which not just I suffer.
For example, the other day I was at church, a building I have gone to since I was old enough to breathe, and guess what???? I had a pull-push moment. I have walked through that door probably a MILLION TRILLION times, but I still had a push pull moment. It was crazy. But I was a little comforted, when today I was at Uni and my friend flick (who we should all know and love by now, p.s she has her own blog so check it out) had her own push-pull moment, during our quest along with our friend Laura, to find the greatest hot chocolate at Deakin (more about that later).
So here is what I have decieded we should do... All doors should be made to go both ways, then no one would get confused. What do you reckon??? Is it just me and Flick or is this a common problem? Should all doors go both ways???? Or should we just get rid of doors altogether???
Just a thought I had...
Stay tuned.
If you remove all the doors, then you'll be writing a blog about how someone needs to put something in front of the holes in the walls to stop the cold air getting it!
As I'm apparently obsessive compulsive (as one kind friend once said), that 'it' should be an 'in'.
em, if you didn't have doors what would i hide behind then jump out and scare you from.
Yes everyone else in the world, i know it is a very dad thing to do.
I think I have a push-pull disease coz it happens to me atleast once a week (especially at MacDonalds) anyway i think it's a great idea to have all door going both ways and then we can cure my non-life threatening disease (I hope it's not life threatening!!!).
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