Today we had rehearsal for the Sunday schools fantastic up and coming show "Music Machine" featuring none other than Dave George, and during which, being a Sunday school teacher I had to stand up and sit down a lot... Now I know I am not the only one that has this issue, but I am a little sad to say I have a crack issue, that is, when I sit down sometimes my bum crack pops out. It doesn't matter what pants I wear, it always seems that my "crack" just wants to say hello world.
So in order to semi fix the problem I have gotten into the habit of just pulling my undies up (don't worry, this will stay clean, this is the worst that it gets) so instead of seeing crack you just get to see what undies I am wearing.
Anyway today while in rehearsal one of the kids with not so good English (ha ha ha a perfect example form myself) said..."Emma....Emma....your underwear" and continued to point at my bottom. Now this raises many questions...
Should he have said anything?
Should he have even been looking at my butt?
Would he have rather have just seen my crack?
Now the last one is what I want to put to you...Is it better for boys and girls alike, to show crack or undies? Seriously, would you rather look at undies (the brief kind...not a G-string...that’s just gross) or at my bottom, or should I just learn to pull up my pants?
When I was looking for a picture for this blog I came across something very I thought I would share it with you...

Now I know that its a bit small and hard to read... it says..."clean up America, Cover a Crack" and it is a company that makes T-shirts with an extra bit just to cover the crack that likes to come out. I thought it was ingenious, but here is what made me laugh, check out this little girl in the before and after shots...

Its great ey? Maybe that’s what I am missing? An original "Crack no more" shirt? Maybe that’s what I need. Like these ones I could have a special slogan too, instead of "dignified construction worker" or the "polite plumber" I could have "luscious lady" or "dignified daisy" or maybe even "elegant Emma"
Just a thought I had...
Stay tuned.
I vote for the undies (but not g-string and definitely not g-string with decorative jewels on the sticky-out bit like I've seen before - YUCK). Nothing wrong with clean undies, so long as they're in good repair.
As for the child - he was probably just pleased he knew the right word and was practising his vocabulary (OK, maybe not but let's give this kid the benefit of the doubt).
i am all for no crack (both in the context you are talking about and the way that would be interpreted in my neighbourhood). bum crack is unecessary. end of story. i am ok with seeing undies (ask annie - hers are always hanging out, but i would rather see that than crack - i like the shiny blue ones she wears). even better, i have seen jeans now that are still more hipster like at the front, but they are making them a bit higher at the back.yes. that is the best answer. proudly voting for 'NO MORE CRACK'.
I'm an avid supporter of NO CRACK. However, it does give me great amusement to hear Nom declare 'Who's got a dollar?' when she spots a bit of natal cleft (anatomical term for bum crack).
Fee's onto something with the jeans too. Lee does a great version of low at the front and high at the back.
Shiny blue???? i don't have shiny blue undies...and it's been a long while since i've been flashin my undies around. sure maybe i used to have a problem but that was in my past
It is true that Annie used to have a problem. It wasn't just a few mm of undies either! More like a couple of inches! But she has improved. It's been a long time since I last saw her undies..apart from the other day but that's another story!..I'm kidding! But seriously..
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