This Christmas has been very strange for me, mainly coz even though I have been trying hard to spread the Christmas spirit, it still doesn't feel like Christmas. I have decorated billy hyde, been out carolling once or twice and even played carols in my car, but still i don't feel like there is only one week left until Christmas Day. Anyway, once again I have gotten off track and thats not what i wanted to talk about... This week in the Christmas preparations, i had the opportunity to play some carols at a little friend of mine's kindergarten.
Anyway it turns out that this little friend is scared of Santa, and that got me thinking, i don't really blame him at all! I reckon if I had my time again and I thought about things a little more before i did them, i would have been more like my brother, Dustin, who wouldn't go near Santa, instead of just running up to him and having a chat.
I mean seriously think about it, this big fat, old man, is everywhere you go in every shopping centre...and then on Christmas eve he breaks into your house deposits things and eats your food and then leaves on a very convenient flying get away car! But that's not where this horror ends...Have you ever actually thought about the words to "Santa Claus is coming to town?" say??? read it again....
You better Watch out you better not cry, you better not pout I'm tellin' you why, Santa Claus is coming to town, he's making a list checkin it twice, he's gonna find out who's naughty or nice, Santa Claus is coming to town!
If you ask me that sounds like a threat from a very horrible man! Seriously this dude is watching them, has anyone called the authorities, if he wasn't wearing a big red suit he would be locked up for a long time! Maybe because everyone sings it so up beat it doesn't sound as bad!
No wonder Kids are scared of him, i reckon I am too.
Just a thought I had...
Stay tuned.
its like the people sitting in the car at work, maybe santa is compiling has naughty and nice list at Billy Hyde?
Is santa in the scary cars?
I totally agree.
how right u r emma!
and have u ever pondered the song that says "I saw mummy kissing santa claus" !!?!
I mean really? every kid's mother is down stairs kissing a big fat man who breaks into ppl's houses at christmas... what does the kid's DAD think of that??
but all the same, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Catch ya soon bro xoxo
em santa is a nice guy realy, he trades a sac full of pressies for a handful of cookies if thats not nice nothing is
Aww thanks very much Em..now i'm never going to get any sleep on sunday night!! I'll be hiding under my covers waiting for a fat bloke in a silly suit...thanks very much!!!
I just hope i'm on his nice list!! ;-)
Good Point Jake, I didn't think about it like that!
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