Bec was a young girl in my youth group at Box Hill Salvos, a girl which I had a fair bit to do with. I was her cell leader when she first came to Box Hill when she was in year 8 and then again when she was in year 10. She also dated my brother and practically lived at my house for a year, we did a lot of things together, not all the time, but over a long time, and her passing has left a hole in my life.
Bec was absolutely stunning, but she could eat whatever she
wanted, probably the best combination I could ever imagine, her only flaw was her love for pickled onions (However this particular trait did win my Dad over, so maybe it was all worth it!). She loved life and lived it to the full, always testing the boundaries but always coming back to where it was safe again, She also loved the people in her life so much more then they ever expected she would, and she always wanted to know more about life, about love, about God.
Yesterday, at church, we had her funeral, a celebration of the beautiful girl that she was, and still is, just up in heaven now instead. The Church was packed full of people that Bec had made am impact on, I don't think that she would have believed it when she looked down to see. She was sooooo amazing and touched so many lives. I tell you what though, I never want to say goodbye to another of my cell girls again. It just doesn't seem right and it doesn't seem fair, things
were finally working out for her and her future looked sooooo bright. And while because of what I believe I know that she is in heaven and that she is probably having a lot more fun, finally driving and shopping and eating chocolate as much as she wants to, I still don't understand why God would take her now. But I guess that's where faith comes in, I have to believe that there was a purpose and a plan for her going now, even though I can't see what it is. I know that God is looking at the bigger picture and that this fits, I just have to chose to trust and not get mad that I can't see the answers as well.
Anyway, I guess what I want to say is that I will miss you bec, more than you will ever know, I am soooo blessed to have had you in my life at all and I thank God that he shared me with you even if it was only for a little while. And I want you to know that I will try and take care of your family and Dave, so you don't need to worry.
Rest in Peace Bec, we love you.
I am going to miss Bec too, Em. I used to love the way that she would give me a hug every time that she saw me. She was a beautiful young lady and I can't believe that she is gone. It just doesn't seem fair somehow. I know that God has everything in control and that He will bring some good out of this very tragic loss.
I'm sorry to hear about Bec Em. Kat and Mim told me about it and it's awful news! I regret not getting to know her cos from what you said about her she seemed a very special girl! And can i just say this blog was very well written, i got all teary just reading it!
Hope your all well!
Thank you so much Em for what you have said about our bautiful daughter. We miss her sooo much and although we don't understand why God has taken her right at this time we have to trust that He knows what is best. Why would someone who is on the verge of begining a great life be taken, I don't understand it. Jeff and I are relying on the verse from the Bible that says that God knows the plans (Jeremiah 29:11) and although we can't work it out He has something He wants to do from this mess. Bec may not have been perfect but to me she was and I love her with all my heart and I miss her so much. Thanks for all you tried to do for her and for caring about her so much.
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