So you would think that a small break from them, for example when they go on a camp or something, may seen like a well deserved holiday for your efforts in trying to practice the fruits of the spirit. Having them leave you in peace for more than an hour is like the answer to my prayers, but when it actually happens, something seems different...
Tonight my little brother Jake is stepping out of his comfort zone and taking the world in his stride, he is getting on a plane and flying far away to meet my Dad in Hong Kong. And to be completely honest I am actually a little bit sad and scared for him.
Going on camp is okay coz I can kinda control that, I know exactly where he is and what he is doing, not to mention the fact that he is with a massive group of people, who I like to think will look after him, but Hong Kong is a little different.
Not even I have gotten on a plane by myself and travelled somewhere I didn’t know, and I know that people do it all the time, I mean look at Fee and Daz, regular jet setters, but not when you are 13. So all I really wanted to say is...
Have fun Jake, for once in your life you are doing something that dust and I haven't so good on ya, I will miss you but please please please stay safe, eat well and no picking up...
Love ya
Em, thanks for coming with me to the airport tonight. You showed me that you really do care about Jake, not that I ever doubted that, of course. He is very fortunate to have you for a sister and I know he loves you very much. It meant a great deal to him to have you there to see him off. Thanks! I love you!
I'm sure he'll be fine, he will go to disneyland and you won't so i'm sure he will enjoy himself.
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