Now, if there are any boys reading this, or girls that aren't into mushy stuff, you probably won't want to read much further...look I will even give you a chance to get out of here before you become ill...ready 1, 2, 3 STOP READING.
Okay, for those of you that are still reading today is a very special day for me...No, its not my birthday, I didn't win a million bucks, its not just coz I am working and miriam just came and visited me, or because that I will be playing in the concert band at the "special" founder's service at church tonight, no its none of these things.
What is it then? Today is exactly 2 years since Dave and I started going out. So today my blog is about him (see now you know why i told you to stop reading kat).
There is so much that I could tell you about dave, stories from our many adventures, times he was sure he was dating a 4 year old, the very romantic things that he has done, the wonderful things he says, the times he made me cry for good and bad, the reason he is soooooo funny, how rediculously good looking I think he is, why he inspires me in everything I do, how talented he is...see the list could go on for days.
So instead of telling you all this now, and ruining all my stories for his 21st, this is what I will tell you. Dave is the most generous, loving and talented person I have ever met and I love him with all my heart. Thanks dave for putting up with me and loving me through my whinging and nagging, and my crazy moments. Thanks for all the fun times, and adventures over the last 2 years I can't wait to see whats in store for us next.
I love ya more than this little blog can explain.
Love Em
Hey Em!
I'm so chuffed... another mention on your blog!
Been having a great time hanging with you and Kitty... I'm seeing many more ice-cream trips and sleepovers...
Love M
Sigh. I LOVE mushy stuff. That was beautiful Em. Sigh.
"cough" "cough"..proposal.."cough"
You're making me fall in love with Dave too!! It's not really hard to do after seeing him looking very spiffy in his uniform on Sunday. That boy scrubs up pretty well!
Thanks Brad, i try my hardest to look my best, i'm glad you noticed. I'd like to so you in uniform i unfortunatly never get to see that.
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