Welcome to my blog...
I know this a pretty standard first blog, but i kind of feel that is has to be done, you can't just jump into it, you have to take your time, you know feel the waters first, so if you read this leave a comment and maybe it will encourage me to keep going. But before I go much further i want to just put a little disclaimer...
I have no idea if anyone will ever read this, whether I will ever do another blog or what I am even going to say, so sorry if it is crap.
There you go thats it,
So anyway, I just have one question for today...
When you study for a long time, does the new information push out old stuff or do u get to keep it all? Can you ever run out of room? and if it is possible to lose stuff, do you think that I could accidentally lose my whole childhood by the time I finish uni?
Just a thought I had.
Stay tuned.
Hey Em,
You crack me up sometimes. I don't think you can lose your childhood memories. Maybe just all that stuff you learnt in first year. But imagine if you were like a computer, you could burn a cd full of stuff you don't need for a while, while you fill up your memory with other bits of information (mmm....biochemistry and food comp.) Although if you were like a computer you could probably just get a cd with the information that you need to learn already on it.
Anyway, good luck with the study Emma. I'm sure you'll do fine.
Keep laughing :)
Flick that sounds like a brilliant idea, i wish i could burn CDs of everything, and store them, but I think then I would be an even at getting rid of stuff than I am. Maybe one day i will burn CD's from my head, maybe one day.
Hello Emma. I would personally like to welcome you to the blogging community. I know I speak on behalf of all bloggers when I say welcome. I'm sure your blog will be full of random thoughts...sure to be entertaining. I might have to put a link to your blog from mine...I like that you have one to mine already. Thanks. Anyway...keep blogging!
Hey Em!
Your blog is a great way of delaying much needed study! Eek... procrastination...
Must continue to shove information into my head. I'll empty it 12:30pm tomorrow!
Oh! One more thing... if you didn't already know, your link to Betho's Blog is quite interesting...
Maybe try www.thebeastwood.blogspot.com
Hey Miriam,
Thanks for the heads up about beths link, it should be all fixed now. I have no idea that other dude is, but it sure isn't beth.
Hi Em,
Your blog made very interesting reading. Seriously, I worry about you sometimes - where do you get these thoughts from? Somehow I don't think you will ever lose your childhood. Anyway keep up the blogging, it will keep me informed on what you are really up to.
Love Ya Em.
Love Mum
aaaaah ahahaha! good to see my little ole Emdog is still thinking up crazy ideas...
This is the best blog i have ever read.. in my entire life! I have never EVER read a better one! u r a champion.
Question 1:
Why is this the best blog that Alicia has ever read?
a) Emma is a brilliant writer who is yet to be found by talent scouts all over the world. She is the next Roald Dahl, Enid Blyton and Jane Austen.
b) it is the first blog she has ever read
c) Alicia has no sense, no taste and too much time to waste. Any opinion that she has should be quickly disreguarded by anyone who hears/reads it.
d) Alicia is Emma's #1 Fan.
To find out the answer... u'll have to hope that Alicia writes another comment.
Thanks for giving me ANOTHER wonderful way to procrastinate!
Have a good one,
Luv Alicia
Seriously, no should have to study that hard. why don't you just drop out and be a muso.
At least one person in this relationship is smart, someone has to earn money and have a real job. and i certainly isn't me, i can't even spell.
tommorrow you can write about being woken at 6.30 to prepare for your exam by an international mystery caller
Em, I am glad you have a good friend like Flick to see you through this time. You know when I was growing up there was a show on TV called "My Friend Flicker" however, that was about a horse, so I guess your friend Flick is not quite the same. Anyway it was a show about a child (can't remember if it was a girl or a boy) who had a pet horse called Flicker. The horse was very special to the child, so I guess there is some similarities. Anyway I am glad you have Flick for a friend. You really need to get your stress under control though, some day you may have to deal with stuff on your own.
Hey you know... Apparently humans only use a very small percentage of their brain, 10% in fact... and this is obviously taking into account a lot of the genius people and the not so genius people and has averaged out, SO... my conclusion is that we probably don't have enough time in our lives to use enough of it to forget the childhood memories... and I reckon anyone who knew that much would get bored... there'd be no challenge to anything... instead they'd be trying to come up with new things, and would probably go mad at anyone else's stupidity compared to their ocean of knowledge!! Hehe... well thats just what I think.
PS- Emma, you're a cool writer. I might start one of these things myself!!
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