This week I have exams at uni, which for most people is a slightly stressful time but nothing that can't be handled. But not for me. Uni exams, well any exams or tests for me are not just a time of small amounts of stress, they are times of "bipolar" behavior (in case you had already read this with out the inverted commas, mum wanted me to put them in so you would know that bipolar is an adjective, not a condition from which i suffer), ranging from deep depressive stress, crying, hitting things and more crying, where I am inconsolable and freaking out, to times of absolute madness where when I finally emerge from my room, I don't really know how to cope with all the stimulation... Everything is a joke, I am the funniest person alive and most people think I have lost the plot. Anyway, that's just the way that it has always been and probably always will be.
But it is during my exams that I find out which people can actually deal with my "bipolar" behavior well and help me study and which people can't. Now I am not talking about people that just help me to relax or to chill, I am talking about the people that actually help me learn the things I need to know and that brings me to the title of my blog...My friend Flick.

Thanks flick, you are a champ!
stay tuned... The international mystery caller is coming...soon
I may not be good at english but i'm pretty sure, immerge was the word you wanted not immerse. i could be wrong though.
are you saying that i am stupid and can't help you because of my stupidity. Fine don't ask me for help with chinese then.
Awww....thanks Em. I feel honoured to have a blog dedicated to me. Or are you just trying to get on my good side again after this morning's msn cramming session??? Hehehe! Usually I don't mind helping you (did you know that the best way to learn is by teaching someone else?), but today as you may have noticed I had to escape to Kat's room for a bit, but sure enough, I was back!
Just to let you know I really hated that exam. What was the go with the vitamin C question? And where was the question on minerals? Need I say more.
Anyway, good luck with Chinese tomorrow and no doubt I'll talk to you soon.
And Dave, I think it should be immerged too.
bipolar indeed. emma, i have never seen you like this???!!!???!!! he he.
hope you survive.
love you lots.
Emma, you need to get a life if this is the most exciting part of your life. Surely something more interesting has happened.
Your international drawing power is impressive. I have it on good authority that your zany approach to life has sparked interest from afar.
Em, I am glad you have a good friend like Flick to see you through this time. You know when I was growing up there was a show on TV called "My Friend Flicker" however, that was about a horse, so I guess your friend Flick is not quite the same. Anyway it was a show about a child (can't remember if it was a girl or a boy) who had a pet horse called Flicker. The horse was very special to the child, so I guess there is some similarities. Anyway I am glad you have Flick for a friend. You really need to get your stress under control though, some day you may have to deal with stuff on your own.
Hey Em - exams will come and exams will go but life WILL continue. Mind you, I can probably only say that because I'm past the bit of life where I have to do exams . . . . My brother reckons he still has bad dreams at exam time of year and he's in his 50s. Mind you, that could be because he's teaching law and he has to *correct* the exams now!
PS Could you get Dustin to have a look at Nick's blog at
I'm jealous of all your comments.
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