Why am I so jolly tired???
Have you ever noticed that being tired is strange? Think about this if you get a little bit less than a good nights sleep you are tired, if you get lots and lots of sleep you get tired by the afternoon, but if you get no sleep (like 4 hours or less) you can be full of energy but then crash?
I don't get it, I just can't win...
just less = tired
too much = tired
way too little = energy (but then tired)
just right???? What is that???
What is the perfect length of a perfects nights sleep? Does it have something to do with my pillows or my donna? Is it because I think too much? Am I missing out on some wonderdrug that will make my sleep perfect? Should I eat a certain food before bed? Is warm milk the answer?
Does anybody know?
Just some thoughts I had.
Love Em

Is that dog dead?
No he is just sleeping peacefully like i wish I could, out to the world, no cares, just sleep.
No..I think it's dead! Where did you get that picture??
Its not dead, I promise, although I did just get it from google, so maybe they are lying, but from what I know it is just asleep
after reading your blog i have decided that we should all just stuff sleep.if we are going to be tired anyway, then let's make the most of life and spend time we usually would sleeping having fun. don't worry about being tired and having fun,it's possible and sometimes even funnier...take annie for instance...
I'm feeling very tired just reading all these comments - I'm going to bed.
P.S - You get even more tired having a one year old! DOH
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