Anyway...The reason I tell you this is not to tell you to come and steal our stuff (because its not easy to take anymore), but because I wanted to talk about how easy it is to lose trust in everyone. Because we lost the sax, last week at work we had 8 security cameras installed and then today I have been spending my whole day arming every instrument on the floor with little security tags so that if some one takes an instrument they will beep as they walk through the giant security senses at the top of the stairs. Why? Because we apparently we can't trust anyone, just in case we lose more money, and someone manages to take something even more expensive.
Have you ever wondered what kind of world we live in? Why everyone is suspicious of everyone else? Why nobody feels like they can trust anyone? Why every person in the street in that's in slightly dirty clothes is automatically assumed to be someone to avoid? Why little kids are taught about "stranger danger" before they are taught about everyone being the same? Why we are taught to assume the worst of people and not the best? It seems a little bit crazy doesn't it?
So how do fix it? Can we ever teach the world to trust again? Or is it impossible?
this is a hard one em. i think it starts with us and how we treat people.
but the fact is that no matter who a person is, a really close family member or friend, at some point in our lives, every single person in our sphere is going to let us down, in a sense, lose our trust. God is really the only one we can trust who will not let us down, and even then, some people feel like He does.
sorry i can't write more i got to go.
Em, I still believe that on the whole we still need to trust people. Of course there are people who will take advantage of us, but it gets back to the saying "What Would Jesus Do?" and the answer to that is that he would trust them. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and see what happens. Not everyone is trustworthy, but it is not fair on the others if we just give up on them too. There is still a lot of good people in the world.
Shirl, need i say aeroplane forks
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