Well it was all in the is one lady that I saw for a breif moment as dave and I turned the car down a street to go to work. She was also sitting at the intersection but there was something about her, she was amazing, and I am pretty sure it all come down to her micky mouse glasses. You know the kind... the normal glasses that have the sunglasses clipped on which can then be folded up to resemble micky mouse ears. Ahh they are classic, so just so you can appreciate it too i thought I would leave you with this...

so there you go, a classic i know. Does anyone know what they are actually called? I think mickey mouse glasses is fine, but I am sure there is a proper name. Anyway Live on the mickey mouse glasses...
Just a thought I had...
Stay tuned.
em i think ur childhood will never run out, and i also think u should get some of those for ur self.
Well I have thought about it...seriously thought about it
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