I know who would have thought???? Me???? My blog???? Its never hurt a fly, only brought humour to the world. I am hurt, really hurt.
As I published my last post, I went to admire my work on the work computers and I was confronted with a "network access message: This page cannot be displayed"... This has never happened before, so in my innocence I thought that maybe it was the whole internet was down, so I checked a few other sites...The regulars....Hotmail, Yamaha, killsometime.com...and I was shocked to find that none of these sites had this message. Not even killsometime, a site made just for killing time by playing games! It appears that blogspot has been blocked! Someone at Billy Hyde doesn't want me blogging, but this is what I say to them...
You can't silence me!!!! I will not be told to be quiet!!! You may have blocked the joy of my blog from my w

Watch yourself
and stay tuned, its for your own good.
Hey Emma.
I'm starting a new blog! It begins on Monday 28th August. It will not replace the current one but will be different. Make sure you check it out...and a link would be nice too..
Click here
Consider it done
I like riots. I'm good at fist fights and even better at slapping. If a riot does break out, concider me in. We'll take those turdburgers down.
You go girl!!!!!
Your in Kris, your in...I will need all the help I can get
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