Today Peter Brock another Famous Australian died suddenly, I can't believe it, two amazing men in one week. I don't really have much to say about it, only that even before I began to take some intresest in cars (thanks Davo), Peter Brock was the only driver that I knew, (except now i know two, I also know Craig Lowns for ford, no guesses as to why) but it wasn't from racing that I remember Peter, it was from those ads that Holden ran for their New Year's sale, in which Peter and a lady named Debroah said something a little like this...
Debroah: Happy New Holden Brocky
Peter: Happy New Holden Debroah!
and then the sales came on to the screen...hence where the tittle comes from! So there you go my only memory...
Now, I don't want to make his death sound trivial, but when people die mum always says "it happens in threes you know"...I don't know if I can handel the death of another Australian icon, but if it comes in threes who would it be??? Dame Edna??? Hugh Jackman??? John Howard??? Seriously no one is safe...Do you think it really will happen in three? I hope not, I don't think my heart would cope.
Just a thought I had...
Stay tuned.
i hope craigy isn't next
Actually Peter Brock was the third. Colin Thiele died on the same day as Steve Irwin, aged 85. For those who don't remember Colin Thiele wrote 'Storm Boy' and 'Jodie's Journey'.
I was gonna say the same thing as Flick. I hadn't heard of Colin Thiele before he died, nor have I read any of his books...but apparently he's famous..
Maybe he doesn't count though...he was old. Old peole die all the time, but Brocky and the Croc Hunter still had plenty of life left in them...perhaps there is still a third person about to die.
Maybe you should do a poll and people can vote who it will be...
have you ever heard of Colin Thiele, Em? he wrote childrens books, i read some in school...anyway, he died the same day as the croc hunter...oh, i just wrote this comment and then scrolled up adn read the others. oh well.
Yeah, you've got a point Freindy. But I don't think Australia needs the death of another famous Aussie while they are doing what they love right now. Therefore I like to think that Colin Thiele makes up the three. I'd better not find something on the front page of tomorrow's paper.
And to Fee, glad to hear that someone else has heard of Colin Thiele.
It was Deborah Hutton in the ads, just in case you were wondering.
Sheesh, I've been slack on reading the blogs, but I need to add my voice to the shoutings of all the others saying Colin Thiele. I think he also wrote a book called "Blue Fin" or something like it, which I remember enjoying immensely at about 11 or 12 years old.
PS My mum always says that these things happen in threes too!!! Must be a mum thing.
I haven't heard of Colin Thiele, but if he writes kids books, I will keep my eyes peeled, I think I like the sound of him.
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