Okay so this is my 50th blog, and while I know that’s probably not very special for many of you reading, who have been blogging for a long time, or who wished I had never blogged at all, but today’s blog for me.
Just think 50 blogs ago, I wrote something along the lines of… my brain is full, and guess what I find my self sitting here bloging for the same reason, my brain is full, I don’t really care about all 150 ways the body likes to digest my food and once again I am in the middle of exams. That means it has taken me exactly 50 blogs to get through my semester, how weird is that, and no I didn’t do it on purpose it just happened that way. Anyway, while I have procrastinating and doing a terrible attempt of studying I have also with the help with a few of my friends, ( I think that lines in a song somewhere) opened another blog, because guess what….well actually if I tell you here it will kind of defeat the purpose of the other blog, so just check it out for your self at www.coconutboobies.blogspot.com, I know, I know, just try not to think about it, but seriously check out the site.
Anyway, I was also just thinking as I wrote this blog, you know the song “seasons of love” from rent??? Well in that it talks about “how do you measure a year in the life of a friend” and I was just thinking that I guess a year in my life would equal 100blogs, wow, I don’t know what’s sadder… that I would only write 100, or that I was almost happy to count my life by the number of blogs I can do? I think I need to get a life, ha ha ha, chances, I’ll be back don’t stress.
Just the 50th thought I have had…
Stay tuned.
Coconut Boobies is a great blog if I do say so myself!
When are we on our strict diet and fitness schedule?
Um, i think that we should probably wait till after exams, because unfortuatly i am just not ready to cut out chocolate yet!
Congratulations, i'm proud of you, i said it 50 blogs ago and i'll say it again, if all else fails drop out and be a muso!
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