Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day (no. 84)

So today is Mother’s Day (HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY MUM!) and to celebrate Mum, Jake and I went into the city for the day (Dustin was at the footy, I know what a disgrace!)

It was a really lovely day, scones for breakfast at kids church this morning, then the afternoon in the city where we went shopping in Melbourne central, checked out the new QV, which I must say is a little disappointing, and even walked to the Queen Vic Markets and checked that out too…as well as indulging ourselves not only in krispy kreme donuts but also in chocolate fondue for two (Jake didn’t get to share) at a lovely little place called Max Brenner (Chocolate with the bald man!) Which just on the side is just an unbelievable place, if you like chocolate go there, its amazing! Anyway the whole day was really nice, the sun was shinning, we were in the city, which is one of the best places in the world and I was shopping, what more could you want??? Don’t worry… I will tell you!

While we were shopping, mum pointed out a pair of boots, and in my mind I thought here we go again, another humiliating winter with no boots, but my dream of owning my own pair of boots had not died, like I thought it had, so somehow mum managed to get me to “just try them on” so I though ok, why not? What’s another pair of boots that don’t fit? So I did… and guess what????? No you will never believe it but…. THEY FITTED! But my rational thought said, just think about this don’t just get them because they fit, lets see what else is out there, and to my surprise we found another pair of boots that fit! A much nicer pair too, so tonight I sit here typing in wearing my new boots, that fit…they aren’t even tight at all! It’s amazing!

I think that to day with donuts, chocolate, boots and mum has been one of the best shopping days my life…

I have boots and that's no. 84 done!

If you are not sure why boots is so important here is a little refresher...or here


Anonymous said...

I am glad you enjoyed today Em, I did too. Mother's Day for me was great and I love all that you did for me. You are a great Daughter and I love you heaps!

Dave said...

I'm glad you have boots.

I would much prefer you to wear girly shoes, so boots is a start.
(i'll keep praying that one day you may actually choose to wear high heels, then i will be amazed!)

fee said...

love you em.