Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Eye Popping Good

You guessed it...another question....

Today I was sitting in my Biochemistry Class (its a terrible thing so I don't want to say it too loud), and my friend flick had a sneezing fit...and this made me thinking about sneezing, because each time she sneezed I said "bless you" a very common thing to do.

But then I started to wonder why i did it, and it made me think of the reasons people had told me...

1. The black plague, "bless you" used after sneezing because it meant you were going to die.
2. People say "bless you" because your soul is trying to escape and that brings it back in

Now I don't know if either of those are right or not, but I would like to know...

The other thing it made me think of was that nursery rhyme "ring-a-ring-a-rosie" coz apparently that has something to do with sneezing and the black plague too...is that true????

The last thing I was left thinking about was how you can't keep your eyes open when you sneeze, coz if you do apparently they pop out. But I also thought this is very dangerous, because if you do keep them open you lose your eyes, but if you shut them you might also die, like when I am driving, what happens if someone runs out infront of my car while I am sneezing, thats not fair at all, i can't control sneezing, it just happens. So I need to know if can learn to keep my eyes open with out losing them. Wow that was random and unorganised, sorry.

Just a thought I had...

Stay tuned.


Flic said...

Emma, that wasn't a sneezing fit!! Twice is not a sneezing fit, 4+ is a sneezing fit.
Good to see that you were paying lots of attention to the Citric Acid Cycle. Yes, 'ring-a-ring-a-rosie' is about the black plague.
I hope people aren't going to look at my blog now, because it is no where near the stardard of yours.

Flic said...

Opps, that link when to your other blog about me. Maybe I should investigate these things before I start making assumptions again.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if your eyes did pop out?! That would be pretty funny...not really in a haha sort of way though. I think I heard on the news the other day about someone blaming an accident on a sneeze. It's a fair excuse I reckon! Anything can happen in that split second when your eyes are closed. Anyway...I don't know much about sneezing nor do I have much to say...just thought that I should comment.
P.S. Can you get rid of that word verification thing...it's really annoying having to copy the letters.

Kris said...

Hey Emma, it's your cousin Kris. This is about the page overall, not just this blog. It's very cool and very random. I also think Dave should join your bloging community. No reason he just should. Also those statements about the black plague are true (I think) but I'm not so sure about the soul escaping thing. Anyway after reading your page I had a crazy idea and made my own so check it out if ya want (www.king-chaos.blogspot.com. Say Hi to the family. Luv Kris.

fee said...

i just wanted to comment on the diet coke issue. i am a real deal coke girl all the way. i have also discovered recently that most diet drinks have aspartain (spelling?) in them and it can cause cancer????
love ya.